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 What  We Believe

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Our mission is to partner with what we believe can be industry-leading talent who can benefit from our active assistance, network, funds, and experience.


We partner with businesses we genuinely believe in, that align with our values, and are driven to create a business of substance and long-term value. 


In all business undertakings, we strive to uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty, transparency, inclusion, dedication, and humility (outcomes over ego), and we expect the same from our partners.


We only enter equitable partnerships - all terms must be in the collective best interest of the business, founders, employees, investors, and stakeholders.

Business Meeting
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We seek value creation through an “invest and build” model rather than glorifying ongoing funding rounds and unrealistic valuations. 


We help build strong teams and cultures, focus on revenue growth and cost management, celebrate successes and lessons learned (yes, failures), and strive to have a lot of fun throughout the journey.


We balance inter-portfolio support and diversified exposure by partnering with complementary 

businesses that serve different end markets.

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